Dalam sebuah kalimat, untuk merubah bentuk kalimat langsung menjadi tak langsung, maka hal pertama yang kita lakukan adalah mengenali jenis kalimat yang dalam hal ini dapat berupa;
- Pernyataan (Statement)
- Perintah ( Imperative/ request)
- Pertanyaan ( Questions)
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English Grammar |
A. Indirect Speech Statement (pernyataan)
Contoh :
- Ali says,”I am a student.”
- Ali says that he is a student.
Kalimat yang tercetak tebal diatas bisa di masukkan menjadi jenis kalimat pernyataan/Statement. Untuk kalimat pernyataan/ statement, maka bisa menambahkan kata “that”. Pada kalimat pernyataan, pernyataan langsung ( Direct speech) yang akan diubah menjadi kalimat tak langsung ( Indirect speech) tidak akan mengalami perubahan tenses jika induk kalimatnya memakai bentuk:
- Present Tense
- Present perfect Tense
- Future tense.
Hal itu bisa dilihat dari bentuk introductory verb -nya yaitu kata “say”. Kata tersebut menunjukkan bentuk present tense sehingga tidak akan ada perubahan tenses.
- She said,” They are working.”
- === She said that they were working.
Jika induk kalimat langsung ( Direct speech) dalam bentuk past tense, maka kalimat tak langsung ( Indirect Speech) akan mengalami perubahan tenses.
- Rindu said,” He will study hard tomorrow.”
- === Rindu said that he would study hard the following day.
- He told me,” I have written a letter.”
- === He told me that he had written a letter.
- He told me,” I would go there if I were you.”
- === He told me that he would have gone there if he had been me
B. Indirect Speech Imperative/ Request ( perintah/ permohonan)
Ada beberapa ketentuan untuk mengungkapkan suatu perintah atau permohonan dalam kalimat tak langsung.
- Menggunakan kata kerja bentuk I ( to infinitive)
- Tambahan kata please untuk perintah atau permintaan yang lebih sopan.
- Menggunakan not + to infinitive untuk larangan
- Biasanya menggunakan introductory verb seperti told, ordered, asked, atau commanded
- He asked me,” Open the window!”
- === He asked me to open the window.
- He told me,” write quickly.”
- === He told me to write quickly.
- She asked me,” bring my bag.”
- === She asked me to bring her bag.
C. Indirect Speech Questions ( Pertanyaan)
a. Pertanyaan diawali dengan menggunakan kata tanya : who, what, when, where, etc.
- Kata tanya tetap dipakai dalam pertanyaan tak langsung
- Susunan kalimat dengan menggunakan kalimat pernyataan, bukan kalimat pertanyaan.
- Perubahan tenses tergantung dari bentuk introductory verbs nya.
- Rendra said to Ani,” where are you going?”
- === Rendra said to Ani where she was going.
- Maria asked me,” where is your bike?”
- === Maria asked me where my bike was.
- He wanted to know,” How did you do this?”
- === He wanted to know how I had done that.
b. Pertanyaan tanpa menggunakan kata tanya
- Penggunaan if atau whether dalam pernyataan tak langsung.
- Susunan pertanyaan menggunakan susunan kalimat pernyataan ( statement)
- John asked me,” can you help me?”
- === John asked me if ( whether) I could help him.
- She asked me,” Do you have an idea?”
- === She asked me if( whether) I had an idea.
- He asked me, “ are you very busy?”
- === He asked me if ( whether) was very busy.
D. Exclamation and Yes and No Answer
a. Exclamation ( seruan, heran, kagum) harus menjadi suatu pernyataan dalam indirect speech.
- He said,” what a beautiful hair she has!”
- === He said that she had a beautiful hair.
- She said,” how wonderful you are!”
- === She said that you were wonderful.
- She said,” what a dreadful thing!”
- === She said that it was a dreadful thing.
Namun ada beberapa pengecualian.
- He said, “ thank you.”
- He thanked me.
- He said,” congratulations!”
- He congratulated me.
Yes and No dinyatakan dalam indirect speech dengan :
Subject + auxiliary verb ( modal)
Contoh:- He said,” Can you swim?”
- === He asked me if I could swim and I said that I couldn’t.
- He said,” will you have time to do it?” and I said ,”Yes.”
- === He said if I would have time to do it and I said that I would.
E. Offers ( menawarkan)
Contoh :
- “Shall I bring you some tea?”
- === He offered me to bring some tea.
- “Would you like to accompany me to go to the cinema?”
- === She offered me to accompany her to go to the cinema.
F. Let’s
Let’s biasanya menyatakan suatu ajakan dan kemudian menjadi suatu saran dalam indirect speech.
- He said,” let’s leave the case at the station.”
- === He suggested leaving the case at the station.
- He suggested that they/ we should leave the case at the station.
- === He said,” let’s stop now and finish it later.”
- He suggested stopping then and finish it later.
- === He suggested that they/ we should stop then and finish it later.
Selamat belajar dan semoga bermanfaat.
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